Health code temperature measuring all-in-one machine demand
Time:2022-05-10    Publish:Shenzhen Dvsone technology Co.,Ltd    Views:1589

Epidemic prevention and control has become a norm. Ordinary access control has been installed in enterprises, parks, communities, schools and other places, and many health code verification terminals have not been installed,

Especially in stations, subways, high-speed railway stations and airports, where people flow intensively and passengers from different places meet, the epidemic prevention situation is more complex and needs to be done well

Temperature measurement, health code verification, nucleic acid certification verification and other work to quickly and accurately screen high-risk groups, ensure smooth passenger flow in transportation hubs, and ensure the healthy and safe travel of passengers.

The figure below shows a small integrated temperature measurement and verification machine for health code configured for bus, restaurant, supermarket and other occasions. The temperature measurement is optional, and the health code and ID card can be brushed

Some areas can also read vaccines, nucleic acid records and travel records.

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